

Michio Kawasaki

  • Title Associate Professor
  • Department International Agriculture and Horticulture
  • Course Agriculture and Horticulture Course
  • Research Field Crop Science
  • E-mail kawasaki [at]
    please substitute @ for [at]
  • Phone +81-172-39-3815


Welcome to laboratory of crop science (Michio Kawasaki’s Lab.)!


In crop science, food crops (root and tuber crops, pulse crop and cereals etc.) are main materials for study.


Three oversea students had graduated and taken PhD in agriculture in our laboratory.

We are looking for graduate students from all over the world.


Please take a look at the website of our laboratory.


Research Theme

・Field of expertise: 

Morphology, physiology and agronomy for understanding the mechanisms related with the establishment of growth and the environmental responses in food crops. 


・Research subjects:

Areas of my research are 

  1. Morphological and physiological studies on the mechanizes of reserve accumulation and morphogenesis of vegetative storage organs in root and tuber crops (yam, taro, potato and sweet potato etc.),
  2. Morphological and physiological studies on environmental (elevated CO2, low and high temperatures, salt, zinc, aluminum, calcium) responses in yam, soybeans, taro, rice and maize etc.
  3. Morphological, physiological and agronomical studies on the issue of local agriculture related with Chinese yam, local variety of green soybeans “Kemame” and rice, etc.


・Experimental methods:

Plant materials are cultivated in experimental fields, greenhouses and growth chambers with using soil and water culture solution in our laboratory. 

Microscopic techniques such as optical microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), immunoelectron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) are used in our laboratory. 

Analytical techniques such as energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), atomic absorption spectrometry (ABS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry are also used.



Education & Appointments

Information about our achievements can be found on our home page in detail.



Through many pictures on our web site, you can see the activity in our laboratory.



Keyword :
12.25.2018 update

Michio Kawasaki