Admission Policies -Master’s Program-

Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science -Master’s Program-
Admission Policies

Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science


The graduate school provides a platform for graduate students to move into careers in a number of different capacities: 1) Highly specialized experts who can demonstrate a broad understanding of technologies and contribute to local community development; 2) Highly skilled engineers with an international perspective; 3) Researchers who can challenge the frontiers of research and stay ahead of the needs of the times.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For

  • Students who are inquisitive about their academic field
  • Students motivated to master a broad range of specialized subjects outside of their own academic field
  • Students who are willing to acquire technical skills, who want to learn to collect and organize data and other information, and who are motivated to think critically and to solve problems

3.Pre-admission Requirements

Fundamental academic background in the agricultural, biological, and environmental sciences.

4.Policies on Student Selection

Students are selected based on the cumulative results of submitted applications, written examinations, and oral examinations, all of which assess fundamental academic skills in the agricultural, biological, and environmental sciences, as well as the candidate’s intellectual curiosity and drive to do research.

Biology Program


The universality observed in the basic life activities of all organisms and the biodiversity that is observed in the morphology and behaviors of individuals are formed by the interaction between the genetic information coded in DNA and the surrounding environment. This graduate program focuses on research related to understanding the factors supporting basic life activity processes and their mechanisms, including development, energy metabolism, adaptation and evolution, as well as research on dynamic and composite biological and ecological systems formed through the interaction of individuals, the environment, and biodiversity. Graduates of this program will move on to careers as researchers in biological fields, biotechnology experts knowledgeable in agriculture and food products, and specialists who can work towards the conservation of ecosystems.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For [A1]

  • Students with a strong interest in the life sciences who are willing to take on challenging research in order to advance their understanding of basic biological phenomena
  • Students interested in ecology and the evolution of organisms, who are dedicated to solving environmental problems through biology
  • Students who demonstrate great creativity, individuality, and curiosity, as well as a general proactive attitude towards research and learning

3.Pre-admission Requirements

Undergraduate-level knowledge of the mechanisms of basic biological phenomena, biodiversity, adaptation to the environment, and evolution

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program


Life is constantly sustained by the many chemical reactions of biological molecules (enzyme reaction system). Technologies that utilize such systems are expected to play an important and multifaceted role in the near future. This graduate program is designed to turn out researchers, highly-specialized experts, and Ph.D. candidates with an international perspective who can succeed in and contribute to society by applying their specialized research knowledge and technical skills related to biological functions and reaction mechanisms, as well as the production and control of matter by organisms.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For

  • Students with a passion for understanding biological functions at a molecular level
  • Students willing to actively challenge new academic disciplines
  • Students holding high ideals for serving mankind through research and academic achievement
  • Students with work experience as experts or researchers, who want to master higher levels of technology and obtain greater knowledge

3.Pre-admission Requirements

Fundamental knowledge of biochemistry

Applied Biosciences Program


This graduate program is designed help graduate students become skilled specialists in the research and development of breeding technologies for new food plant varieties, soil and pest management in food plant production, and food product function and safety that ensure a sufficient, environment-friendly, and sustainable food supply.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For

  • Students with a strong interest in the development and use of biological resources and control of the production environment
  • Students willing to learn new problem-solving skills relating to biological resources and environment-related problems

3.Pre-admission Requirements

Fundamental knowledge of general biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology

Agriculture and Horticulture Program


The program focuses on research that leads to the revitalization of agriculture, the development of better agricultural production techniques, and the improvement of food production systems and the environment, with the ultimate goal of establishing sustainable and multi-functional agriculture and human livelihoods. Graduate students will acquire specialized expertise and knowledge in agricultural production and agricultural management, economics and distribution, and develop the ability to independently identify and solve problems in several areas of expertise.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For

  • Students interested in local- and national-level problems related to food and agriculture
  • Students willing to pursue comprehensive solutions to problems from the perspectives of agricultural technology and socio-economics
  • Students who want to contribute to industry, education, culture, and local communities by utilizing the knowledge and theoretical understanding gained from this program

3.Pre-admission Requirements

A strong interest in agricultural production technologies and socio-economics as well as fundamental knowledge of agriculture and horticulture

Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Program


Challenges that will arise in the 21st century include the need for sustainable agricultural practices that are appropriate for the natural environment and climate of northern Tohoku, the development of the region as a food base and the promotion of suitable conditions for rural communities. The consideration of “soft” issues such as business planning and the selection of agents for these programs will also be necessary. This graduate program therefore addresses topics such as the management and development of production infrastructure, the maintenance of suitable living environments for local residents, and the development of planning methods. This program will strive to turn out graduates with highly specialized expertise, advanced technical skills, and proactive problem-solving skills who are able to work towards the protection and conservation of the natural environment.

2.The Type of Students We Are Looking For

  • Students interested in local issues, both in Japan and abroad, including issues that pertain to rural and environmental issues
  • Students who are flexible and willing to learn about the wide-range of issues that may be required of them, even those beyond their undergraduate area of specialization
  • Students willing to study theory by working on practical problems

3.Pre-admission Requirements

Independent problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and fundamental knowledge of agricultural and environmental engineering